I have missed blogging, but I had to retreat to my Bible this week to intentionally force myself into lengthy quiet times. The words I longed for could only come from reading my favorite book. You have heard me say that God is a God of do-overs but I want to get it right. I want my actions, words, and thoughts to be a giant THANK YOU to my God that has extended me far more do-overs than I deserve. Pray for God to give you eyes to see things the way He does, but be ready. The things you start to see will challenge you, stretch you, and delight your heart to a point that you almost can't stand it. The things that used to never bother me have become heavy on my heart now. Awareness can change you!
I feel the world trying to stretch me in so many directions that go against the things I am seeing and taking to heart. I feel like that old Stretch Armstrong or Stretch Monster that my brother and I used to play with. Some days I feel like I walk with a limp where a leg has been pulled, or an arm hangs lower from the burdens I try to carry or better yet when I am pulled in all directions at the same time, my head feels like it is going to pop off. Therefore, I wanted to be shaped and molded by the One who made me to begin with. That can only happen when I retreat to the one place of truth and love.
As the week has gone on, I have been overwhelmed and encouraged at the same time by the number of women who are struggling with emotions, hormones, stress, fear, and events that are trying to suck the joy out of them. God's Word says to count it all joy (James 1:2) but as these ladies and I have discussed, we then feel bad that we feel bad. So the process begins. Our focus turns inward, we examine and dissect the problem. Our main goal becomes finding the root of the problem and by the time we have tackled all of that, everything is magnified, including our problems. It is like a bad scene in "Honey I Shrunk The Kids". For me, I then begin to question my spiritual maturity. "Well if I really loved Jesus, I would be skipping along and not allowing anything to get me distracted or down." I believe this is how the enemy tempts us to become ineffective.
So, after reading and praying I decided to give myself a swift kick in the butt (in Jesus' name). I will still battle with emotions, hormones, stress and even fear. That makes me need Jesus even more. However, this week I realized those are the very times that if we turn to Him (even when we don't feel like it), He will strengthen us, remind us of how much He loves us, and refresh us when we realize we aren't crazy. The more I have talked to other women, the more I am encouraged that we are all in the same boat and I am not an isolated, insane woman. Most of those conversations have ended in laughter.
Here's a great way to look at it. Psalm 34:7 tells us the Angel of the Lord encamps around His people. Now, without getting too technical, this does not mean there is only one angel that encamps around everybody at the same time, but many believe this is
either one of many angels or the Lord himself. It can get really deep studying scriptures like this, but I like to keep it a little more simple. I mean, it is all good. If it is the Angel of the Lord, it has to be good. Therefore, I like to exercise my "child like faith" and result to pictures. The image I get is this angel encamping around me like the verse promises. Mine is one busy angel. I got to thinking about all the things I drag my angel through. Although I doubt angels complain, I bet I push mine to the edge sometimes. When I think about being pulled in so many directions, I think about my angel having to increase it's encamping area. Isn't it cool that no matter where we go or how much we go through, our angel goes with us? When you kick the devil in the teeth (with your half painted toenails), your angel is probably hanging onto your ankle and strengthening your efforts. I love that!!!!
Bottom line - God loves you and finds you worthy enough to have your own Angel of the Lord. You are never alone, but when you are feeling alone and a little crazy, I suggest you rally with your BFF's and compare angel stories. Then when you are done laughing so hard, you can drag your angel to buy some adult diapers. Ahhhhhh! There's the joy!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Creepicitis is another made up, Lisa Barron word. It is what you get when you come across something creepy. A leftover in the refrigerator that could qualify as one of the kid's next science experiment or maybe when an old guy flirts with you in the bank. This time of year the world loves to make money off of giving us all creepicitis. You can't make it through a 30 minute television show without hearing some type of power tool in a commercial and it isn't to promote Lowes. Chainsaws, half dressed women, masks, blood and screams are the first sign of Halloween.
On Wednesday nights I am reminded why I surrendered to driving a mini van. We pack the van with kids who ride home on the school bus or live in our neighborhood to be a part of Wednesday night youth group. I am eventually going to need to upgrade to a tour bus. What a great problem to have. I just got tickled at the thought of what my tour bus might look like. I think I would love that little black screen above the front windshield indicating where you are headed. "RIDGEVIEW WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH GROUP", "ETERNITY IN HEAVEN" or even "TARGET AND PUBLIX...AGAIN". Anyway, I love to drive and listen to the kids all laughing, talking, sharing sport facts, and the harmony of cell phone ring tones.
A couple of weeks ago the kids brought up horror movies. They were cracking me up with their idea of what was scary. The really cool part was when they started taking an inventory of how many of them had actually seen a horror movie. I loved the comments that followed where most said their parents didn't let them watch them or that they didn't even like to watch them. When one voice screamed out, "They creep me out", I thought about the creepicitis I used to get as a teenager watching one of those movies around Halloween. My heart would race and I would peek through fingers not wanting to watch, but wanting to watch. They were stupid. People would open the door that had blood oozing out of it. They would walk in the crunchy leaves of the woods all by themselves after dark. As young adults, they still had not learned the lessons from their parents about "stranger danger". Seriously? And yet we watched.
Being older and wiser, I am one of those parents that doesn't let my kids watch scary movies. I have two girls that I know would be up for two straight days. We would then have creepicitis AND grumpicitis in our house. That night in the van, I recalled a night that we watch The Passion of Christ as a family. It was hard to watch at times. The torture of Jesus and the sacrifice that He made for all of us. Then there was the actor that portrayed Satan and his lurking ways throughout the story. He didn't have horns or red tights like the world likes to picture him. He was nasty in the movie and he made you very uncomfortable as you watched. Some of The Barron girls couldn't take it and had a hard time sleeping.
In real life, we walk among some of the scariest scenes. There is a real enemy and a real hell. The Bible describes hell as "the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41). Jesus points out in Matthew 25:46 that our choices cause us to "go away to the eternal punishment or to eternal life (in heaven)". In hell, the Bible tells us there will be "wailing and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 25:29) Can you imagine the sound of eternal wailing and gnashing of teeth? I would guess it to be the most agonizing sound of regret.
So, why don't we look at ourselves and question our own actions? Imagine Jesus watching us and wanting to scream, "Don't make that choice." "Don't walk in that way". "Don't open that door. I have shut it". I bet He covers His eyes a lot not wanting to watch, but loving us enough to watch. He promises to go with us so, I think about this.....What poor choices are we (am I) making where we drag our Lord and Savior through dark places and then expect Him to rescue us? What smart choices are we ignoring or putting off that could cause us to agonize with long term regret?
Heaven is real and so is Hell! Let's face it....The Gospel is called The Good News so that must mean there is Bad News. We already know how it ends. No need to cover your eyes. The Good Guy wins!
On Wednesday nights I am reminded why I surrendered to driving a mini van. We pack the van with kids who ride home on the school bus or live in our neighborhood to be a part of Wednesday night youth group. I am eventually going to need to upgrade to a tour bus. What a great problem to have. I just got tickled at the thought of what my tour bus might look like. I think I would love that little black screen above the front windshield indicating where you are headed. "RIDGEVIEW WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH GROUP", "ETERNITY IN HEAVEN" or even "TARGET AND PUBLIX...AGAIN". Anyway, I love to drive and listen to the kids all laughing, talking, sharing sport facts, and the harmony of cell phone ring tones.
A couple of weeks ago the kids brought up horror movies. They were cracking me up with their idea of what was scary. The really cool part was when they started taking an inventory of how many of them had actually seen a horror movie. I loved the comments that followed where most said their parents didn't let them watch them or that they didn't even like to watch them. When one voice screamed out, "They creep me out", I thought about the creepicitis I used to get as a teenager watching one of those movies around Halloween. My heart would race and I would peek through fingers not wanting to watch, but wanting to watch. They were stupid. People would open the door that had blood oozing out of it. They would walk in the crunchy leaves of the woods all by themselves after dark. As young adults, they still had not learned the lessons from their parents about "stranger danger". Seriously? And yet we watched.
Being older and wiser, I am one of those parents that doesn't let my kids watch scary movies. I have two girls that I know would be up for two straight days. We would then have creepicitis AND grumpicitis in our house. That night in the van, I recalled a night that we watch The Passion of Christ as a family. It was hard to watch at times. The torture of Jesus and the sacrifice that He made for all of us. Then there was the actor that portrayed Satan and his lurking ways throughout the story. He didn't have horns or red tights like the world likes to picture him. He was nasty in the movie and he made you very uncomfortable as you watched. Some of The Barron girls couldn't take it and had a hard time sleeping.
In real life, we walk among some of the scariest scenes. There is a real enemy and a real hell. The Bible describes hell as "the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41). Jesus points out in Matthew 25:46 that our choices cause us to "go away to the eternal punishment or to eternal life (in heaven)". In hell, the Bible tells us there will be "wailing and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 25:29) Can you imagine the sound of eternal wailing and gnashing of teeth? I would guess it to be the most agonizing sound of regret.
So, why don't we look at ourselves and question our own actions? Imagine Jesus watching us and wanting to scream, "Don't make that choice." "Don't walk in that way". "Don't open that door. I have shut it". I bet He covers His eyes a lot not wanting to watch, but loving us enough to watch. He promises to go with us so, I think about this.....What poor choices are we (am I) making where we drag our Lord and Savior through dark places and then expect Him to rescue us? What smart choices are we ignoring or putting off that could cause us to agonize with long term regret?
Heaven is real and so is Hell! Let's face it....The Gospel is called The Good News so that must mean there is Bad News. We already know how it ends. No need to cover your eyes. The Good Guy wins!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Experiment
Ahhhh. What a weekend! I love a weekend that isn't full of demands and leaves room for the unexpected. This past Saturday will always be a Barron family memory for me. There are those milestones that make my journal and yet aren't some grand event that Hallmark has a card for.
Morgan came home from college on Saturday and our family was doing the usual running in several different directions. As Ridley and I headed to the church office early Saturday morning for a new members class, I confessed that I felt a little defeated. I had a week that felt like the more I tried to snuggle up to Jesus, the worse I did with His teaching and character building. As tears ran down my face, I asked my pastor and best friend how that happens. I recently have been in the Word even more, praying more and implemented some strong accountability in my life. In my babyish moment, I told Ridley it just doesn't make sense to try harder if you are going to fail harder. It had been a week where I felt like my relationships at home were off balance in all directions. My backside had warmed the stool in my closet many days as I prayed myself through some hurtful things from my children. Those moments are normal for parents and kids, but I was having a harder time remembering it wasn't about me. I continued to pray!
Saturday afternoon, I felt the nudge to do a family experiment. It was College Game Day so I was nervous about making the suggestion to my family and the response I was going to get. I headed to the kitchen table with paper plates, chocolate chips, sweet treats, a funnel, lemons and hot sauce. I then called the entire family to the table. I was greeted with "What are we doing?" "Is this a game?" As everybody sat down, each was rewarded with a treat for great report cards and effort. Dad too. Then each was rewarded with a treat for sharing how someone in the family blessed them during the week. It took them a little bit to think of something. Hmmmmmm. Then everybody got chocolate chips on their plate. This just doesn't happen in the Barron Bunch often. The sugar intake was high and so was the excitement.
As I poured water through the funnel, I explained that the more we wanted to be Jesus, the more Satan wants to leak into our family. I reminded them that we are all responsible for doing our part to "plug up the holes" so Satan can't get in. We talked about some ways we could do that. Then we each had to squeeze lemon juice on our chocolate chips and eat them. I was playing along and I must admit, the lemon juice totally covered the sweetness of the chocolate. The faces were priceless. We then talked about how one person's decision to be "sour" can affect the whole sweetness of what God is trying to do with The Barron's. Then came the hot sauce. They were catching on. With eyes shut and mouths burning, we were all grabbing for our water. We talked about "hot tempers" and how they can cover up what God is doing in our family.
I don't know how long we sat there. It didn't matter. It didn't matter what game was on or what project needed to be tackled. Conversation opened up to some apologies, some speaking "truth in love", some laughing and some crying. Out of respect for my family, I won't get into details but there were some major things brought into the light and more than anything, you could taste the sweetness of love that God intended. We made a lot more progress than this momma could have made fussing or screaming at her kids. I will sit on my backside on that stool praying as many times as I have to for the love of my family and what God wants to do with The Barron Bunch.
As I reflect on that moment again this morning, I think about God's Word and how when I open it, it is like sitting at the table with Him. His gentle way of teaching and showing me in the simplest of ways to make sure I get it.
The lemons: In Jeremiah 31:29 "in those days people will no longer say, 'The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.' Instead, everyone will die for his own sin; whoever eats sour grapes - his own teeth will be set on edge."
We each have to take responsibility for ourselves.
The hot sauce: Proverbs 14:16 "A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil, but a fool is hotheaded and reckless." Each of us has to do our part to keep the devil out.
The chocolate: Psalm 19:7 & 10 "The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. They (His ordinances) are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb." This means we must keep on keeping on with what is right.
That time around our table was reviving for the soul of our family. I am smart enough to know that hormones will be ragging again soon, attitudes will be in full force and patience will be low. However, we will keep on keeping on for the good of our God and the good of our family.
We are to praise Him for our sweet n' sour moments!
Morgan came home from college on Saturday and our family was doing the usual running in several different directions. As Ridley and I headed to the church office early Saturday morning for a new members class, I confessed that I felt a little defeated. I had a week that felt like the more I tried to snuggle up to Jesus, the worse I did with His teaching and character building. As tears ran down my face, I asked my pastor and best friend how that happens. I recently have been in the Word even more, praying more and implemented some strong accountability in my life. In my babyish moment, I told Ridley it just doesn't make sense to try harder if you are going to fail harder. It had been a week where I felt like my relationships at home were off balance in all directions. My backside had warmed the stool in my closet many days as I prayed myself through some hurtful things from my children. Those moments are normal for parents and kids, but I was having a harder time remembering it wasn't about me. I continued to pray!
Saturday afternoon, I felt the nudge to do a family experiment. It was College Game Day so I was nervous about making the suggestion to my family and the response I was going to get. I headed to the kitchen table with paper plates, chocolate chips, sweet treats, a funnel, lemons and hot sauce. I then called the entire family to the table. I was greeted with "What are we doing?" "Is this a game?" As everybody sat down, each was rewarded with a treat for great report cards and effort. Dad too. Then each was rewarded with a treat for sharing how someone in the family blessed them during the week. It took them a little bit to think of something. Hmmmmmm. Then everybody got chocolate chips on their plate. This just doesn't happen in the Barron Bunch often. The sugar intake was high and so was the excitement.
As I poured water through the funnel, I explained that the more we wanted to be Jesus, the more Satan wants to leak into our family. I reminded them that we are all responsible for doing our part to "plug up the holes" so Satan can't get in. We talked about some ways we could do that. Then we each had to squeeze lemon juice on our chocolate chips and eat them. I was playing along and I must admit, the lemon juice totally covered the sweetness of the chocolate. The faces were priceless. We then talked about how one person's decision to be "sour" can affect the whole sweetness of what God is trying to do with The Barron's. Then came the hot sauce. They were catching on. With eyes shut and mouths burning, we were all grabbing for our water. We talked about "hot tempers" and how they can cover up what God is doing in our family.
I don't know how long we sat there. It didn't matter. It didn't matter what game was on or what project needed to be tackled. Conversation opened up to some apologies, some speaking "truth in love", some laughing and some crying. Out of respect for my family, I won't get into details but there were some major things brought into the light and more than anything, you could taste the sweetness of love that God intended. We made a lot more progress than this momma could have made fussing or screaming at her kids. I will sit on my backside on that stool praying as many times as I have to for the love of my family and what God wants to do with The Barron Bunch.
As I reflect on that moment again this morning, I think about God's Word and how when I open it, it is like sitting at the table with Him. His gentle way of teaching and showing me in the simplest of ways to make sure I get it.
The lemons: In Jeremiah 31:29 "in those days people will no longer say, 'The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.' Instead, everyone will die for his own sin; whoever eats sour grapes - his own teeth will be set on edge."
We each have to take responsibility for ourselves.
The hot sauce: Proverbs 14:16 "A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil, but a fool is hotheaded and reckless." Each of us has to do our part to keep the devil out.
The chocolate: Psalm 19:7 & 10 "The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. They (His ordinances) are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb." This means we must keep on keeping on with what is right.
That time around our table was reviving for the soul of our family. I am smart enough to know that hormones will be ragging again soon, attitudes will be in full force and patience will be low. However, we will keep on keeping on for the good of our God and the good of our family.
We are to praise Him for our sweet n' sour moments!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Abraham's Shoes
What are the splurges in life that bring you comfort? Is it your favorite chair? A cup of coffee? A good piece of dark chocolate? For me, it is mac n' cheese if I have been sick. A yummy truffle is always a special treat. I love fresh cut flowers for no reason. Anything pumpkin flavored blesses me and one of my absolute favorites is clean sheets. For most, I would guess it doesn't take something too big to put a smile on our face.
However, when it comes to our comfort zone....now that is a different story. For most of us, I would guess again that it doesn't take something too big to push us out of what is easy, familiar, comfortable. My daughter Abby makes it very clear when she is out of her comfort zone. She Grrrrrr's. As a teenage girl, if she doesn't like that she has to change her clothes before leaving the house then she will Grrrrrrr. If she doesn't like the way her brother is acting, she will Grrrrrrr. I will gladly take her Grrrrr's over how other teens often act, but it is an obvious indication that she does not like the situation at hand.
I have been studying Abraham in the Bible and the one thing that has jumped out at me, is that he had to step out of his comfort zone many times. Abraham was a wealthy man from the city of Ur. Ur was his familiar territory. It was where he had been raised, the culture that had shaped him, the attitudes he had adopted and the religion he had followed. He probably didn't know anything else. Ur was a habit. Yet, when God called Abraham out of that comfort zone, He obeyed. You see, God was going to bless Abraham but the deal was he had to do what God wanted him to do and that meant leaving Ur (home). I bet for a very brief moment, the thought of leaving Ur, tempted him to respond like my Abby......GUrrrrr.
But the Bible says in Genesis Chapter 12:4 "So Abraham (Abram) left, as the Lord had told him." That's obedience! Now think about this. Abraham was no spring chicken at the time. The Bible records he was seventy-five years old. That is a lot of time to get set in your ways and nestled into your comfort zone. Abraham took his wife, Sarah and set out on a journey. The journey was not an easy one. God's blessings are not the same as wealth, health, and a problem free life. There is a blessing of peace, power, provision and pleasure with God calling the shots.
If I think about being in Abraham's shoes, I think he could have been a great spokesman for Nike. "Just Do It". He did and his journey just kept demanding obedience. God promised Abraham a son and he was 100 years old when he and Sarah had Isaac. I feel worn out at times parenting at 43 years old. Can you imagine 100 years old? And then came an even bigger challenge. God tested Abraham and asked him to sacrifice his only son as a burnt offering. Early the next morning Abraham set out to just do it. Can you imagine his daddy heart? Can you imagine God's heart when he saw Abraham's obedience? He tested Abraham to see if he was willing. In the end, Abraham's son was spared.
What is your familiar territory? Do you know you are missing something? Are you too comfortable? Maybe you are somewhere in between restless and willing. Abraham lost his peace at times when he took matters into his own hands. Trying to fit our plans into the same plan that God has for us just equals compromise. Why do we settle for anything less than the fullness of what God has for us?
When it comes to our steps of obedience, we don't need to choose flip flops. We need to put on some Nikes and JUST DO IT!
However, when it comes to our comfort zone....now that is a different story. For most of us, I would guess again that it doesn't take something too big to push us out of what is easy, familiar, comfortable. My daughter Abby makes it very clear when she is out of her comfort zone. She Grrrrrr's. As a teenage girl, if she doesn't like that she has to change her clothes before leaving the house then she will Grrrrrrr. If she doesn't like the way her brother is acting, she will Grrrrrrr. I will gladly take her Grrrrr's over how other teens often act, but it is an obvious indication that she does not like the situation at hand.
I have been studying Abraham in the Bible and the one thing that has jumped out at me, is that he had to step out of his comfort zone many times. Abraham was a wealthy man from the city of Ur. Ur was his familiar territory. It was where he had been raised, the culture that had shaped him, the attitudes he had adopted and the religion he had followed. He probably didn't know anything else. Ur was a habit. Yet, when God called Abraham out of that comfort zone, He obeyed. You see, God was going to bless Abraham but the deal was he had to do what God wanted him to do and that meant leaving Ur (home). I bet for a very brief moment, the thought of leaving Ur, tempted him to respond like my Abby......GUrrrrr.
But the Bible says in Genesis Chapter 12:4 "So Abraham (Abram) left, as the Lord had told him." That's obedience! Now think about this. Abraham was no spring chicken at the time. The Bible records he was seventy-five years old. That is a lot of time to get set in your ways and nestled into your comfort zone. Abraham took his wife, Sarah and set out on a journey. The journey was not an easy one. God's blessings are not the same as wealth, health, and a problem free life. There is a blessing of peace, power, provision and pleasure with God calling the shots.
If I think about being in Abraham's shoes, I think he could have been a great spokesman for Nike. "Just Do It". He did and his journey just kept demanding obedience. God promised Abraham a son and he was 100 years old when he and Sarah had Isaac. I feel worn out at times parenting at 43 years old. Can you imagine 100 years old? And then came an even bigger challenge. God tested Abraham and asked him to sacrifice his only son as a burnt offering. Early the next morning Abraham set out to just do it. Can you imagine his daddy heart? Can you imagine God's heart when he saw Abraham's obedience? He tested Abraham to see if he was willing. In the end, Abraham's son was spared.
What is your familiar territory? Do you know you are missing something? Are you too comfortable? Maybe you are somewhere in between restless and willing. Abraham lost his peace at times when he took matters into his own hands. Trying to fit our plans into the same plan that God has for us just equals compromise. Why do we settle for anything less than the fullness of what God has for us?
When it comes to our steps of obedience, we don't need to choose flip flops. We need to put on some Nikes and JUST DO IT!
Monday, October 4, 2010
I was never one of those moms that displayed artwork from my kids all over the house. You may have seen the latest and greatest on my refrigerator, but that was probably the extent of it. I have definitely saved my kid's projects and pictures but I blame the years of real estate as to why they are all neatly in a box. Realtors don't paint their walls, use wallpaper, hang family pictures all down their hallway and generally don't personalize too much. We have to practice what we preach, I guess.
However, I am rebelling and becoming a fan of tape. I have been taping printed scripture around my house for some time. I have shared those ideas with you before. For example, "Wash me clean O Lord" is on my laundry door. "Hunger and Thirst for righteousness" might be found on my pantry door. I change them up periodically. I even go so far as to print them in font color that matches the current holiday season. I now have started taping prayer request I receive on my bathroom mirror. Before too long, I won't have to clean the mirror.
Instead of crayon creative artwork on my refrigerator, you will see a copy of The Barron Family mission statement. It says, "The Barron Family Will.... H.O.M.E." Here is our goal:
H - Honor the Lord. We can honor the Lord with our lips and yet our hearts can be far from Him. The people who live with us will be the first to know when we do this. Let's seek to honor Him behind closed doors and live out our devotion to Him in a visible, gentle way as we realize our family is watching.
O - Obey His Word. Obeying His Word at home is not always easy. The Bible tells us to be submissive to our husbands, obey our parents and to love others more than we love ourselves.
M - Minister to One Another. Ministry requires us to love others, reach others, and to lay down our lives for the sake of those God has placed in our lives. This must happen at home first, and yet if we are honest, it is the last place it happens. So, we will not give our family our leftovers.
E - Establish Walls of Truth. We need to be building walls of truth - God's truth, designed not to keep others out but to guard our hearts and give us a safe place to retreat and to rest. These walls of truth make our home a place of retreat when the daily battles wear us out.
I believe we have to become more intentional in living out our Godly integrity. That has to start at home first. Last night I read where some parents send their children outside when they are speaking unkindly to one another. They went on to explain that they are working hard to learn Christ like behavior in their home so they send "wordly behavior" back outside into the world. I thought about my family and began to laugh. The chuckles erupted from the thought of my family setting up camp outside. I pictured our camping chairs out on the front lawn later to be followed by a mini fridge and small television. I then pictured our neighbors driving by and wondering why the Barron's are in the front yard when it is freezing. Think about how peaceful things would be inside. No yelling, no name calling, no noise, and no giving a good talking to. No nothing! Literally sometimes it would be no nothing. This momma would have to be out there preparing dinner on a camping stove due to her careless tongue at times.
I actually thought the idea was pretty cool. No more "Go to your room" but "Go outside". Our computer loving, television addicted children would really dislike that!!! However, I know it would sure make me think more about the verse "I walk in my house with a blameless heart." (Psalm 101:2) The word blameless doesn't mean perfect or sinless. There has to be grace in every home. Blameless is referring to spiritual integrity. It is an active relationship with Jesus that humbles our heart before Him and gives us the desire to act right.
The Barron house is full of our share of mistakes but we are working and praying hard to make our house a H.O.M.E.
However, I am rebelling and becoming a fan of tape. I have been taping printed scripture around my house for some time. I have shared those ideas with you before. For example, "Wash me clean O Lord" is on my laundry door. "Hunger and Thirst for righteousness" might be found on my pantry door. I change them up periodically. I even go so far as to print them in font color that matches the current holiday season. I now have started taping prayer request I receive on my bathroom mirror. Before too long, I won't have to clean the mirror.
Instead of crayon creative artwork on my refrigerator, you will see a copy of The Barron Family mission statement. It says, "The Barron Family Will.... H.O.M.E." Here is our goal:
H - Honor the Lord. We can honor the Lord with our lips and yet our hearts can be far from Him. The people who live with us will be the first to know when we do this. Let's seek to honor Him behind closed doors and live out our devotion to Him in a visible, gentle way as we realize our family is watching.
O - Obey His Word. Obeying His Word at home is not always easy. The Bible tells us to be submissive to our husbands, obey our parents and to love others more than we love ourselves.
M - Minister to One Another. Ministry requires us to love others, reach others, and to lay down our lives for the sake of those God has placed in our lives. This must happen at home first, and yet if we are honest, it is the last place it happens. So, we will not give our family our leftovers.
E - Establish Walls of Truth. We need to be building walls of truth - God's truth, designed not to keep others out but to guard our hearts and give us a safe place to retreat and to rest. These walls of truth make our home a place of retreat when the daily battles wear us out.
I believe we have to become more intentional in living out our Godly integrity. That has to start at home first. Last night I read where some parents send their children outside when they are speaking unkindly to one another. They went on to explain that they are working hard to learn Christ like behavior in their home so they send "wordly behavior" back outside into the world. I thought about my family and began to laugh. The chuckles erupted from the thought of my family setting up camp outside. I pictured our camping chairs out on the front lawn later to be followed by a mini fridge and small television. I then pictured our neighbors driving by and wondering why the Barron's are in the front yard when it is freezing. Think about how peaceful things would be inside. No yelling, no name calling, no noise, and no giving a good talking to. No nothing! Literally sometimes it would be no nothing. This momma would have to be out there preparing dinner on a camping stove due to her careless tongue at times.
I actually thought the idea was pretty cool. No more "Go to your room" but "Go outside". Our computer loving, television addicted children would really dislike that!!! However, I know it would sure make me think more about the verse "I walk in my house with a blameless heart." (Psalm 101:2) The word blameless doesn't mean perfect or sinless. There has to be grace in every home. Blameless is referring to spiritual integrity. It is an active relationship with Jesus that humbles our heart before Him and gives us the desire to act right.
The Barron house is full of our share of mistakes but we are working and praying hard to make our house a H.O.M.E.
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