You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence... Psalm 16:11

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Set a Guard

"Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord" (Psalm 141:3). PLEASE...I am driving by a Krispy Kreme. So the prayers begin!

I probably get picked on the most about my love for healthy food. Let me just start by saying right now that it isn't always because it is my absolute favorite but, the way I feel is. By the time I started dating Ridley, I was just about completely organic with the things that really mattered. I assure you I didn't wake up one day with an urge to eat flaxseed. It was a process over time and it actually started when I was running and cycling because I recognized that it helped with my endurance and performance. It got me thinking about how it would probably help me endure the demands of the day and my health would benefit. I also have a daughter that has lots of allergies.

Now, back to the dating days. Organic chick meets microwave roast beef, single dad. Ridley was doing a great job of taking care of Harrison and Abby, but I will never forget some of our first meals together. If my girls and I were at Ridley's they would look at me with a "do you approve for us to eat this?" look. I still laugh at Harrison when he sat down at the table and said, "Are you serious? Organic ketchup?" As with any blended family issue, we have had to meet in the middle....SLOWLY. I must say that Morgan and Landon probably had it a little easier. They had hope that they were back in the land of the living. I am most proud of Harrison and Ridley. They have made huge changes that are paying off. Harrison has lost 40 pounds since we have been married. Ridley has lost weight, lowered his blood pressure and eased some pain that comes with aging after sports.

It has been fun for me to find the things that Harrison and Ridley love and to make a healthier version of it. Harrison has made drastic changes and sometimes will even admit he feels much better. He can tell a difference in his sport performance and with the chicks. I am even amazed at the difference and I love him for being willing. Ridley now preaches about salads instead of fried catfish sandwiches. Some would say I am over the top with it all, but I say, I have only had my new family for 3 years and I want them around for a long time.

When people inquire about why I feel the need to eat healthier, I have learned that they assume it is because I want to lose weight. That is when I usually hear that they don't think I need to or they worry about my intentions. I will be the first to justify a splurge, but it is with moderation. I used to be overweight and sick quite a bit. I began to see and feel the difference with some simple changes. The more I have researched and learned, the more I want to change. Recently, I have had to modify my diet and exercise to deal with hormone changes. This is a very real problem for women as they age and too many people want to brush it under the rug.

The Barron's have kingdom work to do. We are putting our running shoes on and running the race. Paul refers to running or racing at least nine times in the Bible. I love that analogy. So just as we can be a couch potato in the physical sense, I believe we can be couch potato Christians as well. There should be a balance with our physical health and our spiritual health. Small steps daily can produce changes that become habit in both areas. A simple quiet time each morning gets the day off better and a nice walk while listening to worship music will lower your stress level and make the neighbors wonder about you when you raise your hands during the chorus. I love to mix my physical exercise with my spiritual exercise. I pray while riding the bike or I journal while I eat lunch so that I eat slower. There are lots of times when I am weight training and wait training. The bottom line is we are the ones in control of our physical and spiritual health.

Here are some super easy tips that I suggest:
1. Drink a glass of water the minute you get up and about 30 minutes before you ever eat. This cleans out your system before you start to put food in your body for the day.

2. Stay away from soft drinks. If you are like me and love bubbles, then use club soda in juice every now and then.

3. Get away from the processed foods with hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup. These are usually boxed or bottled items so start to read labels. Fake food is bad! Square crackers aren't supposed to be orange.

4. Find fun ways to eat fruits and veggies. Add some chocolate and nuts to a cut up banana. It is still better for you than a candy bar. You don't have to be drastic with your changes.

5. Exercise! Do something. You don't have to be doing P90X (even though it is great) to be effective. Just walk each day!

6. Add ground up flaxseed to just about anything. It doesn't have a taste but the punch is so good for your body.

7. Pray your way through the temptations. Donuts are a huge weakness for me so the Hot Now sign screams Pray Now, for me.

8. Find easy and quick healthy options. There are many resources that have recipes with just a few ingredients. I will gladly share picky eater recipes if you want some.

9. Watch the portions and the salt. This means don't eat out much. America is super sizing everything and covering it with salt.

10. Sleep! Ridley has taught me lots about sleep and I do feel better. I was a stay up late and get it done but I found the dirty dishes and laundry are still there in the morning. They aren't going anywhere.

I would love to hear your tips and hints. It is fun to share. Regardless, make one simple change today for your physical and spiritual health. You will feel better for it.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Crunchy Leaves

One of the things I love is to take God's Word and make it real for today. I think readers of the Word can look at it like a history book but lover's of the Word look at it as an instruction book. When the Word comes to life in a child, it is exciting. I don't mean "comes to life" in the form of artwork on your refrigerator. I mean their words and their responses are scripture lived out.

I have been known to throw salt at my children while telling them to be salt and light to the world (Matthew 5: 13 & 14). My girls run around chanting about being fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Our trash can reminds them to not throw away their confidence (Hebrews 10:35) and our master bedroom door says "children always obey your parents. For this pleases the Lord" (Colossians 3:20). I love that because I can just point to it. Ha ha!

Get creative! You can really embarrass them at the bus stop when you yell at them to make sure they have their shield and breastplate on. Boy, I can still see Morgan's evil looks from years ago. It was hardly a look that complimented her armour of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:10-17)

It has now become a complete family embarrassment at times. My competitive husband was playing on the church softball team last week. Ridley is very knowledgable and talented when it comes to sports, so as his prayer partner, I pray in advance for the umpires. Well, a bad call was tempting Ridley's tongue so I yelled for him to be smelly. All eyes were off my husband and onto me with total confusion (your welcome, dear). I was reminding him to be the aroma of Christ (2Corinthians 2:15).

On of my absolute favorites was the day I sent Morgan and Landon out the door to school when they were younger. I yelled out to them to have fruit. We had been studying about the individual fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22 & 23). You almost can't read them without singing them. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self controoooool. After a long day, I greeted the girls back at the door. One of my first questions was "Did you have fruit?" They knew I wasn't asking about the school lunch menu for the day. Morgan beamed as she responded, "Yes. I did". Sweet Landon tucked her chin down a bit and rolled her eyes up to me and responded, "I did not. I had crunchy leaves." I absolutely loved it. I mean, I didn't love that she had been "crunchy" but I loved that she got it!

To this day, I challenge myself with the question of whether or not I had crunchy leaves by the end of the day. I have even overheard my close friends ask the question. God's Word shouldn't scare us. It is the best book ever. It challenges us, give us hope, refreshes us, makes us feel loved, makes us laugh, makes us cry, and pushes us to be better. Be careful! It is contagious. It made me smile to hear my husband pray over me on our anniversary, thanking Jesus that I was fruit salad.

Have fun with God's Word. It makes the day so much better!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

After Three Years

Today is our three year anniversary. Many call it a wedding anniversary but we call it a family anniversary. A bunch has taken place in three years....A Barron Bunch! Lots of laughs. Lots of healing. Lots of tears. Lots of hard stuff. Lots of sweet stuff. Lots of love and lots of Jesus.

Being a wife and mother is hard work. It is a good thing that love covers a multitude of sins (1Peter 4:8). My husband and my kids have been patient (most of the time - ha ha) while I adjust to being Lisa Barron. The third role that came with Mrs. Barron, was being a pastor's wife. I can tell you some days I forget I am the pastor's wife and some days I over think it and under pray it.

When Ridley asked me to marry him, I remember sitting up late one night in front of the glow of my laptop. I searched "pastor wives". As the internet examples flashed before me, my stomach dropped. The many pictures of pastor wives scared me. Big beehive hairstyles, oversized glasses, no makeup and dresses that looked like women were to be choked to death with the role. Where were the cool chicks? Where were jeans and cute shoes? Most of the websites included background pictures of angels and flowers. Where were the dirty clothes and coupons that didn't get filed before they expired?

When we were dating and I later attended Ridgeview, I sat in the back. The back was my safe spot. I knew there was a future with Ridley at that point. You see, I wasn't going to change churches until there was. With that future, I knew I would be moving to the front row. I was having to warm up to the spot and it wasn't because I was shy. It was because I still wasn't completely sold on the fact that God could use me in that capacity. Dating the pastor is no easy deal. Dating the pastor with two divorces under your belt is down right tough. I often found myself asking Jesus, "Are you sure?"

The first Sunday as Mrs. Barron, I was upfront in my dreaded spot. I had a hard time concentrating. My distraction went like this: "Do I raise my hands because Lisa would raise her hands right about now? Wait! What if they think I am raising my hands because I am on the front row? It's not about you Lisa. Don't raise your hands and take away from what the Holy Spirit is trying to do. Get it together, Lisa. You said you weren't going to let this change you. Raise your hands." I have tried very hard to NOT let it change who I am. I did buy a pastor's wife book once. I never read it. I decided to just stick to the Bible as pictures of those internet pastor wives crossed my mind.

A couple Sundays later, Ridley shared some parts of our story in his message. After the service, a lady approached me in tears. She told me she had been a stripper in the past. Her next statement blew me away. She told me she had hope in God because if He loved me enough to give me Ridley after I had been divorced, then God could love her too with her mistakes. That statement changed me as a pastor's wife.

Being a pastor's wife can be incredible and it can be lonely. Satan can often attack the heart of the pastor's wife in an effort to get at the pastor. Trust me! The hardest part is being able to be still and know He is God when people attack your husband. I see his heart. I hear Ridley's prayers. I know he takes his role as pastor seriously. Therefore, the "don't mess with my man" syndrome wants to take over.

The demon in me often tries to come out on Sunday mornings. Note to self early on was to not bring up big stuff while heading to church. I have learned to pray in advance for our Sunday mornings. Ridley is my first ministry. I have my eye on him every Sunday to see what his needs might be, to watch and see how I can pray for him, to encourage him, to smile at him, and to tell him I believe in him. I have made tons of mistakes in my first three years at Ridgeview, but I am surrounded by incredible people and a staff that has been patient with me. they have loved me through every minute of it. They pray for me and they don't judge me. I love my church. I couldn't have picked a better starting place as Mrs. Barron. I am still on the front row, raising my hands and wearing my "I Love My Pastor" t-shirt every now and then with jeans and cute shoes.

Thank you God for trusting me enough to be Mrs. Barron.

Bad Boys...Bad Boys

Lisa fun fact......I like to watch the t.v. show Cops. I am not much of a t.v. fan but there is something about this show that makes me appreciate things and laugh. I think it makes me more grateful for my crazy days and it does my heart good to see the good guys win. The theme song for the show poses a great question. "Whatcha gonna do?"

I have been adding recent conversation notes, comments and feelings from other women about men, to add to my own collection. I shouldn't be amazed at the common statement or behavior that comes with those conversations. Women are drawn to bad boys. Most will even admit it is not a good thing, but they act as if there is nothing they can do about it. I was there once so I don't share with a judgmental attitude. I consider myself halfway intelligent so I look back and wonder how in the world I didn't see it. If I had understood the importance of running everything through Jesus back then, I could have saved myself (and others) a lot of heartache.

A lady last week was honest enough to share that a poor relationship in the past, kept drawing her back. She looked at me and desperately begged for wisdom. In my eloquent response I replied, "Would you go roll around in poison ivy if someone pointed it out to you? Or better yet, would you go back to a hunting trap and stick your other leg in it if you had already lost one in the trap?" Boy, that was some sweet Jesus advice wasn't it? Listen! Bad relationships are just like any other sin. They look good, smell good, and feel good choose. Sin can get dressed up nicely, put on some good smelling cologne, tell you all the things that you want to hear and make you feel special. Then, it is in your life and it rots the very core of who you are. It can physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually make you sick and ineffective. It leaves you in a place where all you can do is survive through it.

I had the pleasure of sitting next to a young women at a wedding reception recently. I knew of her but had never had the opportunity to hear her heart. As she shared her goals and dreams, I never heard her mention A MAN. She was focused on what God wanted out of her life and it was refreshing. I am sure she experiences lonely days and longs for that kind of companionship just like anyone else. She even joked about her family messing with her all the time regarding when she was going to find a man. Why does the world get in our face and tell us life isn't complete until you have a man? When I was single (again), my friends acted as if I wouldn't survive on my own. They worried about me and made it their mission to find me a Godly man. They meant well but it doesn't get any more Godly than God himself. His love is the kind that is real, can heal, and genuinely make you feel special.

Another new friend has shared through email that she feels defeated with a relationship that she knows is not good for her. It has put her in a place of living a secret life. I believe she truly loves the Lord with most of her heart, but she has allowed someone else to have a part of her heart that has done some damage. She is desperate to break that habit and she can. As women, we have to allow our head knowledge to kick in full force. The tug of doing the wrong thing is always there. Paul admits it in the Bible. So we have to equip ourselves with truth by reading God's Word and praying our hearts out. Literally. Praying that our head wins out over our heart when it is deceiving us.

I love to challenge myself and others with James 3:11 "Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?"
That is powerful stuff. That means we can't hop back and forth in our actions. I love how The Message translates James 3:11.
"My friends, this can't go on. A spring doesn't gush fresh water one day and brackish the next does it? Apple trees don't bear strawberries do they? Raspberries don't bear apples do they? You aren't going to dip into a polluted mud hole and get clear, cool water, are you?"

So when it comes to bad boys, bad boys....whatcha gonna do? You are going to run. Run to the man in your life that knows exactly what you need and sit right beside Him until He brings it. Once you taste the sweetness of what Jesus can do in your life, you will never want to go back to bellyaches and heartaches. Choose and wait!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's All In a Waffle

It is no secret that economic times are tough. It is no secret that real estate has been tough and continues to be tough. I told someone this weekend that our good years still outweigh the rough couple of years we have had with market conditions. I have been extremely blessed in my career. During those "good" years, I LOVED to bless others!!! Every house sold meant that I had new opportunities to love on someone else.

Ridley has the same heart but you can imagine our frustration right now with a pastor's salary and a realtor's earnings. In the past, my prayer used to be "God, show me who should be next" and not too long ago my prayer was "God, why aren't you doing more so we can help out more?" Looking back, I can see the selfishness and limitations I was expressing to God.

Recently, I feel like Jesus is saying to me, "Get over yourself". "Look around". "Use your resources and don't worry about the money." I honestly think it may have become too easy to just financially help someone. I think He has me in a place where I am learning to be a better blessing with my time and my resources. As I have prayed for a greater awareness, the enemy hasn't been too far behind trying to tempt me with worry about our finances or even with selfishness as I try to justify some stupid material item that I think I "need". Our oldest daughter came home from being a counselor at a kid's camp this past week. She came home with dirty laundry and another Compassion International child. That makes three that our family sponsors. My immediate response was "We didn't talk about this first". As if the Holy Spirit needs my approval first. With some of the wisest words, she looked at me and said, "I think I can give up something for this little girl." As she flashed the card in front of me, I was disgusted with my initial reaction. That is where God has me. I am in the "give up something" stage of learning. My comfortable spot was to attain more so I could give more.

So Jesus is slowing teaching and preparing my heart. It is amazing to me that I used to be ok (comfortable) having some of the things that I have. Now, I am in a place where certain things in my home make me sick. It is a process that I believe Ridley and I are slowing weeding through. We are looking at everything in our life with new eyes. This weekend was no exception.

Two weeks ago as Ridley grabbed my hand to walk out of the worship service like we always do before everyone is dismissed, I walked by a somewhat familiar face. The woman was sitting all by herself. The routine of a Sunday morning flashed in front of me. We are supposed to go stand in our usual spot to greet people....right? I immediately pulled my hand from Ridley and headed back to the woman. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I went back and as her eyes were tightly shut, I thought I just don't want her to be standing here alone. Her face looked as if she was trying so hard to hang on. I placed my hand on her back and her eyes opened as tears flooded her face. I didn't know her story and I didn't even know what to pray for her. I simply told her I was here for her. Later I learned that she is a single mom of two kids and recently left an abusive boyfriend. In the middle of our church, she looked at me and said, "I feel so alone". Having been a single mom before who was surrounded with loved ones, I knew what she meant. I was reminded that our experiences are never wasted. I knew immediately a few things I could start praying for her.

Fast forward to this week....I watched for my new friend as service started this past Sunday. At the last minute, I saw her and her two kids walking down the road to our church. When she came in, she said, "I had every excuse to not be here today. I don't have any gas for my car." She smiled and walked into service. After church, I told her we would take her and her children home. As we all piled in Ridley's truck, I sat in the back with the kids. The young boy sat next to me with his sister in my lap. I asked him questions and found out he LOVES waffles. His sister informed me that they don't get waffles very often but they think they are the best food ever. My heart sank. My initial reaction was to go buy these kids 18 boxes of waffles. In that moment, I realized that little boy appreciated the simple things and was content with what he had. I was jealous. As we dropped them off, I wondered exactly what God wanted me to do for this sweet family. My heart was aching. The mom turned around and asked this...."Do you think sometime this week I could walk to the church office and meet you to go over some parts of scripture I don't understand?" I immediately said "YES".

I can't tell you how much I have thought about waffles and what God was showing me. As I went to the grocery and pulled back into my garage, I was working on "getting over myself". I can see God all in my face telling me if there is someone hungry enough to walk to church then I can be hungry enough to let go of things that really don't matter. I need to appreciate the simple things in my life and be content with my few boxes of waffles that are in my freezer.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." Matthew 5:6