You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence... Psalm 16:11

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Creeps

I often get the creeps! I am referring to the things that creep into my life that cause my faith and my walk to waiver. It can be something really big and devastating or I find it can sometimes be the little small things that catch me off guard. The more I get the creeps, the more I try to figure out and plan ahead for when the next ones are coming. The truth is, that kind of mindset has me focused on my own abilities (or the lack of) instead of focusing on God's power.

I love my Jesus but some days I wonder if it really shows. I wonder if people who are a part of my day hear the overflow of my heart and THEY get the creeps. I hit the ground running every morning and literally don't stop until late night. I can tell you I have the greatest intentions as I face each new day. I wake up praying with my husband, eating my oatmeal, taking my vitamins, having my quiet time and it isn't too long before I find myself accessorizing with overwhelmness. (is that a word?) Midway through the day, I find that my actions aren't lining up with my initial intentions.

There are lots of people I talk to that feel life is weighing heavy and they are tired of feeling overwhelmed. The unexpected keeps finding its way into our lives and catches us off guard. The creeps can come from a harsh word from a loved one that makes our stomach sick and the next thing you know, your whole attitude is affected. Doubt can creep in with an unexpected bill and the root of all evil has us depressed and afraid. Emotional pain can cause us to react with vengeful actions. We can let people into our lives and they disappoint us so we build walls. All these feelings are real and yet we find ourselves disappointment at the end of the day. Creepy!

Sometimes when the day is just about over, I reflect and wonder if I did more performing than praying. I evaluate where the "ways of this world" have rubbed off on me instead of me rubbing off on the world. If I reflect on my past, I can see areas of my life where the creeps were much bigger and I think I probably handled them better. So if I am growing in Christ, what's the deal?

Nobody has all the answers. I tend to think that it has a lot to do with our focus minute by minute. Jesus has impossible things to ask of us. We can't do it on our own. If we are oriented according to our culture or our own interest, we can not live out the Gospel. If we are committed to ourselves, we will not be able to hear from God and take action based on faith, hope and love. This is why we are commanded in His Word to DIE TO SELF daily. (Luke 9:23-24). Let's be honest, giving our WHOLE selves to Christ is really hard. Yet, we rob ourselves of the blessings and peace that can come with that kind of surrender. God has this race for us to run. We may get cramps and the creeps along the way, but the end is so worth it. We shouldn't settle for making it to the starting line. We need to run like we mean it. We must pull away from our own priorities and desires. We have to make the difficult decisions.

I am speaking next Tuesday night to a group of approximately 200 ladies about this very thing. I need your help. I need to know what gives you the creeps? What really tests your faith and your walk? Let's run together and help each other along the way.

1 comment:

  1. wow, what a timely message for me today...what gives me the creeps? When I say yes to too many things at church because of people guilting me instead of God appointing me...then you feel so overwhelmed with those responsibilities that your own family says they wish we could stop going to church so they could see me more...hmmmm....Thanks for the reminder Lisa...
