You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence... Psalm 16:11

Thursday, November 11, 2010


As I ran into a store yesterday, the bathrooms caught my eye. I don't know what was wrong with me. Christmas lights and sale posters were twinkling and flashing everywhere. I didn't even need the bathroom, but it was the label on the door that got my brain swimming. "Family Restroom" jumped out, which was odd. I have seen this sign before but never ventured in. I didn't yesterday either. That would have been creepy since I was by myself but my imagination kicked in as I pictured the whole Barron family choosing that door. I am not sure I get it. I mean if it was created because little boys didn't need to be going with their moms into the Ladies Restroom then aren't they still going to be seeing ladies in the Family Restroom?

Throughout the day I thought about that sign. I thought about labels and how we get so caught up in being gender specific with some of our labels. Ladies night cave....chick's bible study...etc. I get the reason for it, but I think it can be dangerous at times. Let me explain. The Bible is very clear to define sin in our life and to teach us what is wrong and what is right. However, I think there are some things we tend to slap a gender label on when it comes to those rights and wrongs. For example, the Bible talks about a nagging or quarrelsome wife, but does that mean that men don't nag or fight?

How about lust? Let's face it ladies, we typically tend to categorized the lust sin as a guy problem. The truth is, women struggle with this too but it looks a little different. Matthew 5:28 says "But I say to you everyone that looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart." It is easy for us to be gender specific and slap our husband's on the arm when they look at another woman. Be careful! I have had discussions with women over the years about how we struggle in this area, but it often seems more acceptable.

When a woman is watching a movie and announces to the room that the lead actor is HOT, you can almost hear the amens from her friends, but when a man makes the same announcement about a woman, he is in the doghouse. Maybe it is the guy in the rock band who is the lead singer and you are drooling all over yourself as you picture him singing just to you. A false image of reality is out there in our faces constantly. The young doctor on the soap opera who is operating without his shirt on is not reality. The Bachelorette who is living in a mansion with 14 guys to find her future husband is not reality. Seriously? They walk around in their best clothes, freshly showered, saying all the right things and taking her out on dream dates. How do you pick a husband that way and call it reality t.v.? They haven't talked about bills. She hasn't seen him in his morning attire with his hair sticking up. You never see the guys wearing black socks, shorts and sandals.

My point is this: Don't read the Bible and think there are parts that don't apply to you. We are all accountable for all parts of it. Don't let the pronoun of choice give you an excuse to continue to behave in a way that you think is okay. I have made a point to teach my girls about the reality of the world's reality. They have to be responsible for what they read, watch, and subject themselves to so they can be aware of lusting after the wrong things. I have told them it is not just "busty lusty" for guys.

1John 2:16 "For all that is in the world - the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions - is not from the Father but is from the world." It is pretty cut and dry for all of us. Evaluate what you are exposing yourself to and what you are excusing away as being okay. Pray for God to show you areas that you have become too comfortable or okay with. Then Admit it, Repent it, and Forget it.

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