By now you might be wondering if I am going to interview great grandparents and second cousins. I promise I am not going to take it that far, but there are certain people that God has put on my heart. On this side of pain and tragedy, I really want to know these things for myself. Therefore, I think it might be important to share for others. It was really cute when my mom came to me and said, "I wouldn't have answered some of the questions the way your father did." Although they are about to celebrate 45 years of marriage this weekend, they have individual thoughts and were affected differently. Here is what mom shared that was different.
Question: You were the first person I called the minute I found out about the affair. What do you remember about that day?
Mom's Answer: My main concern that day were the girls. I knew your father would take care of you but the girls were visibly upset because they saw you upset. We hugged, cuddled and kept busy. I did not want them upset.
Question: What was the hardest part?
Mom's Answer: I think most Moms can feel what their child is feeling and there were times (and still are) that I could stand next to you and feel your pain or hear it in your voice.
Question: Were you ever mad at me for staying in the marriage and attempting to work it out?
Mom's Answer: Sometimes. I thought you could have a better life and you were not seeing the situation clearly. I was probably wrong. You just don't give up easily.
Question: What did you think when I started dating Ridley?
Mom's Answer: I liked Ridley and admired him. I thought he was a good balance for you but my respect level for him hit a 10 when at 39 years old he came and asked your Dad and me for permission to marry our daughter. I have loved him ever since.
Question: What is the hardest part for extended family during a divorce and then with blending a family?
Mom's Answer: Swirling your family has been easy for us. Other people adopt kids and you love them immediately. We loved Abby and Harrison from the first time we met them and they have been our granddaughter and grandson along with our other 4 ever since. Hearts can hold a lot of love.
Question: Did you learn anything new about God through all my stuff?
Mom's Answer: I learned something very valuable about God. All my life I have talked to God about things and my prayers are usually answered quickly. I prayed for years that your situation would change and I thought he wasn't hearing me. See it didn't happen when I wanted it to. I learned God has a plan for all of us and it is in HIS time not mine. It has taken me sixty-some odd years to learn that. We have to be patient and I have truly learned patience.
Dad and I have always been very proud of you and nothing you have ever done has changed that. We believe in you and Ridley and hope it is in God's plan for us to see what he has planned for you.
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